Bring a Portfolio to the Interview

When going into an interview, you will have to answer questions that the interviewer asks you. And you can never predict all the questions they will ask, you just have to prepare for anything and everything.

You can change the odds in your favor if you bring a portfolio of your previouis projects.

Advantages of Bringing a Portfolio to your Interview

If you bring a portfolio of projects you’ve created, interviewers are more likely to ask you to describe what you’ve worked on and tell them about your part in the project. Good job applicants show their best when asked about their past projects - usually reducing nervousness even showing excitement and understanding as they describe their projects.

Of course, this means you better have a good concise summary as well as a good understanding of the project, but that’s easier than guessing the questions that might be asked of you without the porfolio.

Interview Portfolios Only Need Photos

I’ve seen beautiful brochures that describe projects and include retouched photos describing every detail of the project. But during an interview, there won’t be time for the interviewer to read any of the text on the brochure.

  • Just bring the photos or diagrams that you need to show since the interviewer can’t stop to read during the interview.
  • Bring large photos or printouts. Looking at your mobile phone screen to see photos is not good enough since the screen is so small and older eyes can’t see the details.
  • You must be able to clearly describe your project and what’s happening in the picture in a succinct and interesting manner. Use speed dating techniques

Create a Portfolio