Case Study C, part 1
On this page
This is a well crafted and truly elegant resume for an applicant who wants to apply for a job in computer programming.
Things to Love
- This template is minimal in its use of colors and typefaces and every aspect helps a recruiter immediately find whatever they are looking for in the resume.
- The use of a two column layout is optimal because there is no wasted space for items that are very short (Education and Relevant Courses don’t require long sentences).
- The sections are ordered properly, with the sections that show the applicant in the best light near the top and other section below them.
How can we improve on this?
Contact Information
- The addition of a LinkedIn account would be one of the very few additions to improve this section.
- Consider changing the vertical bar that separates the phone number and email with a filled circle, just so the vertical bar couldn’t be confused with the number 1 .
- The fact that the phone number and email has no label might be a problem if a PDF scanning program was looking for the phone number and email. On the other hand, the formatting of those letters and numbers are pretty unique and easy to figure out.